Spring cleaning in Old Bridge

Dozens of amazing volunteers joined the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership on Sunday March 21 to celebrate Spring with a day of service cleaning up the Old Bridge portion of the South River floodplain.

This video highlights clever use of a grapple hook to hoist tires out of a gulley and up a steep embankment – it gives a sense for the fun we have while “giving back” through volunteering.

GRATEFUL for the chance to join together to do this work. With thanks to Central Jersey Stream Team, the Old Bridge Department of Public Works, Middlesex County Department of Parks & Recreation, Old Bridge YMCA, Sewa International of Central Jersey, Hackensack Riverkeeper, Raíces Eco-Culture, and so many folks young and old who came out to lend a hand.

We may have removed as many as 400 tires – final tally will come next week. We filled a garbage truck with bags of trash and stuff that really should be recycled or reused.

One Comment On “Spring cleaning in Old Bridge”

  1. If I may suggest for the next cleanup at which no recycling facilities are provided, that we have a policy of leaving any ecologically-inert items behind instead of trashing them? Items like glass, ceramics, wood, and metal, that look unsightly but don’t damage the environment the way plastics do?
    And also: I noticed someone put what looks like purple housepaint in the garbage truck. When it crushed the garbage, a purple liquid ran out of the bottom into the grass. Can we have a person trained in HAZMAT separate out things like industrial fluids and car batteries?
    That said, this was a fulfilling event to take part in, and now some of my friends want to join the next one–which is already full, it seems? Hooray!

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