Tag: tidal flooding

November 4-6 #CaptureTheKing Tide

In an effort to crowd source data on local flooding hot spots and to educate people about future tidal conditions, the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve is undertaking a #CaptureTheKing Tide Initiative throughout New Jersey. The term “King Tide” is used to describe the highest seasonal tides that occur each year King Tides may result in coastal erosion, flooding of low-lying areas, and road closures which may disrupt normal daily routines. This is particularly true when a King Tide coincides with significant precipitation or a coastal storm. The highest seasonal tides for New Jersey and our Lower Raritan Watershed communities will be November 4-6, 2017.

The king tide is evident in the Raritan River as far west as the banks in New Brunswick, Highland Park and Piscataway, the tidal impact limit. The LRWP would love to get as many pictures from our Lower Raritan Watershed as possible. We need people #ToBeTheEyesOnTheRise along the shore, and help document (and educate one another) about local flooding. Flooding that takes place during a King Tide is often referred to as nuisance flooding. Nuisance flooding is the water level above the minor flooding threshold. Over time, the frequency of nuisance flooding is expected to increase due to sea level rise. According to NOAA, nuisance flooding has increased on all three U.S. coasts, between 300 and 925 percent since the 1960s. The data and photos collected through the #CaptureTheKing Tide effort will be publicly available for all to use, learn from, and document local trouble spots.

JC NEER has posted this as an “Event” on their Facebook page. You can particpate by downloading the app from https://searisingsolutions.com/ or upload pictures to their facebook page. Either method is encouraged.

Please use this brochure and the #CaptureTheKing logo to spread the word.#CaptureTheKing

PS: This could be a good local SJ Green Team or elementary school science class project. Tide Charts can be accessed online to guide the field work photos.