Our October 18 meeting will include a follow-up discussion on Green Infrastructure management with CDM Smith and members of the JerseyWaterWorks Green Infrastructure sub-committee. For background please see the video/audio from our September webinar on the NYC GreenHUB tool, which will frame on-going discussions.
The meeting will be held from 9:30 – 11 am in the Middlesex County Planning Offices at 75 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, NJ – 5th floor mid-size conference room.
Parking is validated for those parking on floors 5 and higher in the RWJ Wellness Parking Deck located at 95 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Be sure to bring your ticket to the meeting for validation.
For more information contact Heather: hfenyk AT lowerraritanwatershed DOT org
Meeting Agenda
9:30 Welcome / Introductions
9:35 Recap September Meeting
9:40 Discussion RE: Asset Management for Green Infrastructure in the Lower Raritan Watershed
10:00 Identifying next steps for GI Asset Management in the LRW
10:20 LRWP Project Updates
-Water Quality Monitoring
-Project WADES / Watershed Sculpture Project
-Natural Assets Mapping
-Intern / Volunteer Projects
10:50 Upcoming Events
10:55 Partner Announcements
11:00 Adjourn
We have arranged a dial-in number for Jersey Water Works members:
Conference Code: 278926
Host Code: 8789
The LRWP September 20 general meeting will be in the CDM Smith Edison offices where CDM Smith will provide a live overview of the NYC GreenHUB tool.
CDM Smith is working with the NYC DEP Office of Green Infrastructure to develop a Project Tracking and Asset Management System capable of compiling, mapping and reporting data from thousands of GI installations throughout their service life. This integrated system, named NYC GreenHUB, presents a user-friendly, multi-function interface that enables comprehensive data management and access control. NYC GreenHUB is a web-based system that automates the procedures used by OGI to collect, review, manage and report information. DEP utilizes its asset maintenance feature to manage and monitor maintenance activities such as repairs, replacement, pruning and replanting. The system provides geospatial visualization of GI assets with easy access to data throughout the asset lifecycle – from asset initiation, siting, design, and construction through operations and maintenance.
9:30 am Welcome and introductions, Heather Fenyk (LRWP)
9:35 am Green Infrastructure (GI) in the New Jersey context, Kandyce Perry (JerseyWaterWorks GI sub-committee)
9:40 am Introduction of speakers, Maria Watt (CDM Smith)
9:45 am Overview of Green Infrastructure, Maria Watt (CDM Smith)
9:50 AM What is Asset Management and NYC GreenHUB Live Demo, Jayson Brennen (CDM Smith)
10:10 Philadelphia Green City Clean Water, William Cesanek (CDM Smith)
10:25 am Camden Asset Management, Andrew Kricun (Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority)
10:35 am Benefits of Asset Management, David Zimmer (New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust)
10:45 am Q & A, Group Discussion
11:00 am Next steps for JerseyWaterWorks and the LRWP
The CDM Smith presentation is an outgrowth of the LRWP’s work with the JerseyWaterWorks Green Infrastructure sub-committee.
CDM SMith is located at: 110 Fieldcrest Avenue, #8, 6th Floor| Edison, NJ 08837
RSVPs requested: hfenyk@lowerraritanwatershed.org