Petition to Support Development of a Community Boat House on the Raritan River in Middlesex County
The Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership (LRWP) and Friends are petitioning the Commissioners of Middlesex County, New Jersey for development of a community boathouse and launch facility on the Raritan River Waterfront. We have three main objectives:
- Protect and store the boats and equipment for Youth and Community Rowing Clubs and for personal human powered watercraft and gear;
- Increase access to the Raritan Riverfront for human powered watercraft, including a universal access launch; and
- Preserve and increase public access to the Raritan River.
If you share our dream of a more accessible Raritan River, please provide your signature on this petition.
Why should Middlesex County Commissioners support a community boathouse and launch facility on the Raritan River?
Middlesex County is the largest landholder of Raritan River-adjacent land. Public access to the Raritan, and public facilities and opportunities for on-River recreation, are in short supply in Middlesex County.
Who would use a community boathouse and launch facility on the Raritan River?
The building and associated boat storage and launch will provide secure indoor and outdoor facilities for equipment belonging to community, youth, High School, and other rowing clubs.
Facilities will include secure boat and gear storage for personal watercraft, accessible in a “self-store / self-serve” structure.
The public will be able to rent space within the boathouse for workshops, meetings, and events; use observation decks for data gathering, birdwatching and exploration; and utilize publicly accessible docks for launch of kayaks, canoes and other human powered watercraft.
What are the public benefits of this community boathouse project?
This project increases access to the Raritan River for the general public by providing facilities for the secure storage of human powered watercraft to facility and enjoyment of our waterways.
This project strengthens partnerships of human powered watercraft users to work together to provide opportunities for public outdoor recreation on the Raritan River by creating a center for community.
How does this project fit into the County’s strategic plans?
The Community Boathouse Project fits within many planning documents, priorities, and goals that the County has developed through due diligence processes. These include Destination2040 Plan development, County Open Space planning, Middlesex County Parks & Recreation programming, and other County-led initiatives.