March in the Lower Raritan & “Green Fire” Screening
March in the Lower Raritan heralds the hatching of eagle chicks at Duke Farms, calls of spring peepers and wood frogs in vernal pools, and the emergence of skunk cabbage in freshwater wetlands and near streams.
Around the world we recognize the balance of day and night on March 20-21, and celebrate Leopold Week in honor of author Aldo Leopold and his framing of a land ethic that calls for our moral responsibility to the natural world. At its core, the idea of a land ethic is simply caring: about people, about land, and about strengthening the relationships between them.
This year, in honor of Aldo Leopold, the LRWP will host a virtual screening of Green Fire, a documentary film about Leopold, his Sand County Almanac, and the enduring importance of a book written in the 1940s. Please join us virtually on Sunday March 7, from 4-6pm – registrations required. Following screening of this 56-minute film, we will have a chance to discuss the documentary, the impact of Aldo Leopold and his work, and a land ethic for our Lower Raritan Watershed.