April Update from the Boat Shop

The LRWP has launched a new woodworking class for women, under the guidance of boat build volunteers-turned-instructors Amber Hennes and Sarah Tomasello. Amber gained skills in woodworking through her work in theater design and scenic fabrication across the US. Sarah has taken classes in woodworking, and has been part of our community boat shop boat build since project inception.

Participants are learning several aspects of woodworking, including: preparing and laminating wood for construction; transferring the pattern and cutting the shape; shaping the shaft, grip and blade; sanding; and applying the finish. At the end of the session, participants will have a paddle to take home!

Last Saturday, the second week of the workshop, participants finished gluing and clamping all of the pieces. Everyone’s paddles are now drying on the work benches! The next task is to cut out the basic paddle shape using a jigsaw.