Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has brought millions of people together to celebrate our world’s environment. The day has also focused our attention on environmental problems such as pollution, flooding and littering.
Join the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership, Franklin Township Environmental Commission, the New Brunswick Environmental Commission, the Watershed Institute, Friends of Mile Run Brook, New Jersey Americorps Watershed Ambassadors and others for an Earth Day clean-up of Mile Run Brook!
WHAT: a clean-up of Mile Run Brook on Saturday April 13,
WHEN: 9:30-noon
WHERE: Meet at the corner Of Hamilton Street And Woodbridge Street, New Brunswick (parking available at Sts Peter and Paul Church)
SPECIAL NOTE: Please wear closed toe shoes and clothes you are willing to get dirty. Bring a reusable water bottle. Gloves, bags and light refreshments will be provided!
***For more information contact Stan Jaracz, Franklin Environmental Commission member at jaraczs@yahoo.com or Von Scully wsamb@raritanbasin.org***
You may wonder why it is so important to keep our waterways clean. Streams, rivers and other waterbodies make up the watershed where we all live. Watersheds are areas of land where runoff from rain and snow drains into a lake, stream, river or wetland. These watersheds are full of life. They provide habitat for fish, birds and wildlife. They are also a source of drinking water for homes and businesses. The Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership and The Watershed Institute share a joint mission to keep water clean, safe and healthy through conservation, advocacy, science and education.
Visit Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership and The Watershed Institute to learn what we are doing to protect your water.