Calling all Streamkeepers and Civic Scientists!
A healthy stream is a complex place. Vegetation grows along its banks, shading the stream and filtering pollutants before they enter the waters. Wildlife find shelter and food near and in its waters. And within the stream itself are fish, insects, and other organisms with specific needs for oxygen, food, and shelter. Certain land uses affect habitat quality and stream health. A stream corridor functions holistically, and any changes to a part may affect the entire habitat.
A habitat assessment is a summary of different characteristics of a stream segment that help us better understand the health of our area streams. When we understand issues that affect our streams, we can do a better job of protecting them.
Please join the LRWP and Americorps Watershed Ambassador Caitlin DiCara on Monday November 30 for a two-hour FREE virtual Stream Habitat Assessment training.
This training will detail the “how-tos” of assessing the health of our local streams in preparation for Spring 2021 monitoring.
We will also provide general overview of our adopt-a-stream and stream monitoring program, and answer participant questions about these program and program requirements.
This FREE training will run from 9–11 AM from the comfort of your own home. Registration required.
We look forward to seeing you on November 30!
Heather Fenyk
Jon Dugan
Caitlin DiCara, NJ Watershed Ambassador Program
For more information, contact Heather Fenyk: OR #908.349.0281
Click here for more info on the LRWP’s water quality monitoring programs