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Feb 19 Boat Build with LRWP

February 19 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Learn woodworking with the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership as we construct cedar strip and other wooden boats for use on the Raritan River!

This is an “in person” build session at our Boat House location at 101 Raritan Avenue in Highland Park. Volunteers will learn through hands-on activities.

Registration is FREE and is limited to eight (8) participants.
Close toed shoes are required when in the boat house. Bring your own eye protection if you have it.

For more information contact: info@lowerraritanwatershed.org

Be sure to check the LRWP website and events pages for any changes or cancellations to the schedule www.lowerraritanwatershed.org

101 Raritan Avenue
Highland Park, New Jersey 08904 United States


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Photos/Video Waiver - I agree that any pictures or videos taken of me or my children/dependents during the Event can be used by event sponsors for future promotional campaigns.
General Waiver & Release Voluntary - My participation in this LRWP event is voluntary. I will select the activities in which I will participate. I will choose activities that are within my physical capacities. I will stay away from the water if I cannot swim and/or if I have any open cuts. Assumption of Risk - I realize that during this Event, there are several ways that I could potentially hurt myself if I am not careful or choose a task that I am not capable of doing. I realize that my participation is strictly voluntary and that I assume the risks associated with these activities. I could: (a) receive cuts and abrasions, (b) lose personal property such as watches or jewelry, and (c) suffer serious bodily injury. Waiver - I release the sponsors, organizers, volunteers, and site property owners (as well as all of their affiliates, directors, officers, trustees, employees, representatives, or agents) from all actions or claims of any kind that relate to my participation in this Event. I understand and acknowledge that this waiver binds my heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, and assigns. Hold Harmless - I hold the sponsors, organizers, volunteers, and site owners harmless and indemnify them against all actions or claims (including reasonable attorneys' fees, judgments and costs) with respect to any injuries, death, or other damages or losses, resulting from my participation in this Event. Medical Treatment - If I am injured during the Event, the organizers or volunteers of the Event may render medical services to me or request that others provide such services. By taking such action, the organizers and volunteers are not admitting any liability to provide or to continue to provide any such services and that such action is not a waiver by the organizers or volunteers of any rights under this release and waiver. Should I require transport to a medical facility as a result of an injury, I am financially responsible for such transportation and medical treatment costs. If I am injured during the Event, it is my responsibility to seek appropriate medical care and to notify the Event organizers. I understand that this waiver will have no bearing on any worker’s compensation claims that I may make as a result of my participation in this event.
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